I have been toying with the idea of using Groupon for a while. Most agents’ opinions were that Groupon could not be used successfully to get more customers in the world of Real Estate. They complained and belly ached about the fact that they “don't make enough money off deals as it is and now we're going to confirm what the public thinks that we make too much money by offering discounts?” The naysayers can put it to rest now. I always knew there was a way to make Groupon work for Real Estate I just hadn't put my finger on it yet. Well, the wait is over! Dream Town Realty in Chicago, IL launched the first official real estate specific Groupon campaign in April and man did it go over well! They weren't exactly original since deals like this have been offered on http://housetipper.com/ since its launch, but who needs original, we're looking for results!
I don't really want to get into the specifics about what Dream Town offered but rather their potential for income from the offer. If you want to see their offer go here: http://www.groupon.com/deals/dream-town-realty. After putting the offer out for five days they had over 200 people buy it for $25 a pop. If they were featured, Groupon will take a cut of the $25, but the gross income just from the campaign was almost $5500 dollars! Now let's talk real estate. They had about 220 people buy the offer and their contract must be $150,000 or higher to use the coupon. Let's even be conservative and say that out of all the closings from this campaign the average is $175,000 at 3% commission and that 20 people never redeem the offer. This still comes out to be over $1,000,000 in commissions in one year! Those are staggering numbers!
Let's be even more conservative. Let's say that the average contract was $150,000 at 2.5% commission and that only 100 people, less than 50%, redeem their coupon and the realtor pays the $1000 dollars cash straight out of their commission. They will still make $275,000 dollars in commission and that is being way over conservative. We won’t even get into the fact that they will likely resale their home with you if you do your job as an agent... $$$
So after all that, is Groupon a viable real estate marketing solution? Let's see... they have made a connection with your company as being tech savvy and as part of their social network, they have a vested monetary interest in using your company, and they have likely suggested your company to their friends. What do you think? Of course it is a viable option to use when seeking to gain a more loyal and satisfied clientele. The main question is not "if" you are going to use Groupon but "how"?
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